So..anYbody ouT there yang shAre biRthday wiF my abAh ke??HAppY birtHday juGAk untuk kaLIan yer...(^^,.)
my enTri for toDay is quite perSonal, I warn u aLL awal2,if u all rasa tak penting tak yah la baca yer....(^^,.)
anD...akAn banyaK eMOtiCon yaNg akAn ku guNAkan...lalalala~coMEy2 lak emOticoN nih..hihi~
I duNNo wat to wRite in my beLoveD bLog today cuZ...haissshhh...
hati ngah bengang nih~
rasE nak teMbak2 jer oraNg yang menYebabkan keBengangAn hati nih...aishhhhh!!!
[kejam gak norfa ni..sampai nak tembak orang katanya..lalala~tembak air je!]
HUrm...maybe u aLL tertanya2 apEsal lah NorFa ni samPAi nak temBAk orang...huh!
As my tOpic kat ats tuh : Cuba la faham!
ok...for few friends yang telah membuat kan Norfa bengang..pLease..CUBA LA FAHAM....
THINK before u judge me....semua gara2 aku tak reply mesej korang and lambat reply mesej...aiyoOOoo....macam baru kenal Norfa sehari dua kan korang yang berkenaan tu???
Yer..I admit that I'm not kind of person yang suKa maen SMS kaLau benda tak penting...
tapi...Ada sorang kawan nih...hurm...this was his 2nd time being friend wif me..before this dia gak yang taknak terus kawan ngan Norfa coZ dia kata I tak faham dia...dia cakap camtu sebAb :
1.I didn't reply his SMSss secepat yang sepatutnye~
2.I tak jawab his call..[sape suruh u call i tyme i ngah tengok tV??lalala~]
Hello...I ady told you dat I'm not kind of girl yang suKA sukI SMS n jawAb call esPecially from guys~
then,tak lama pas tu u find me back,mintak maaf n so on so bla..bla..bla...bila I dah maafkan u n accept you as fren,tiba2 u harap sumthing more pulak..macam masih tak faham yang I also need my privacy n my own time n my own choice!
Tadi dia SMS :Salam dear NorFa..apakah kabar mu d sana...? [I tak reply lagi time ni coz ngah dinner ngan family]
then dia SMS lagi : Norfa really busy with herlife [time ni Norfa dah rase bengang coz cam menganjing I plak~So I reply Alhamdulillah,cht,kamu?(sekadar berbasa basi~i ngah makan ni owkey~
he replied : Syukur,cht..dah mamam? [I tried to reply :yup,ngah mkn ngan family but suddenly da SMS credit abes!uhh!!gara2 terpush internet browser button r nih!
tibA2 I got another SMS from him : macam mana agaknya nak kembalikan kehangatan u ngan i? [euuuwww~wat da f.....ish!macam takde words lain!]
then another SMS:
Mungkin kamu dalam gelora cinta dengan seseorang..maka yg laen tiadalah berguna mungkin...[siyesly,he made me feels sOoooooo piss off!!]
Mungkin kamu dalam gelora cinta dengan seseorang..maka yg laen tiadalah berguna mungkin...[siyesly,he made me feels sOoooooo piss off!!]
that last SMS sounded like NorFa nih tak menghargai kawan..aLLo bestie yang I dah kawan more than 10 years pon I tak SMS dia hari2 n kadang2 I tak dapat reply SMS pun dia oWkey je..yang awAk tu I baru kenal few months dah assume negatively bout me plak....arghhh!!geRam amat!
Second case..also haPpened today...petang tadi..elok je SMS sorang kawan ni..a guy..memang he once wanted me to be his girl,but i can't n I promise to b his fren yang boleh suPPort dia..ngah ok je SMS ngan dia..and dia minta kejut kan dia dalam jam ___ coZ nak g kelas..
Norfa replied his SMS by saying that : ok, I'll SMS u coz I can't call u as my credit is sO much nazak~[nazak:kredit cukup makan r tuh]
teTiba dia emo by saying : k..salam..[slalunye SMS dia panjang lebar~]
Norfa rase cam hampeh jer mamat nih..!!
sukAti awak la weyh..penAt je layan..
then petang tadi he said sorry to me, it was his bad.
then I replied : ok then..
He said again:ye Norfa tu penting untuk ramai lagi kawan kamu..
Norfa replied:kaMu tahu kan Norfa tak suka SMS ngan orang sesuka ati?
He said: I know but Norfa tu cantik,ramai yang minat,mesti la saya fikir macam2...
Excuse me?ExcUSe me?Excuse me???
hah..amek kAw!!3 kali aku bagi EXCUSE ME!!
aLLo..I'm not kind of girl yang suKa suki SMS orang if I'm not really close with that person n He knEw that fact of me!
still...nak tuduh2..nak eMO...
seriously...Norfa TAK SELESA ada kawan2 species cam nih....
orang dah cukup baek ngaN kamu,kaMu fikir neGative plak...
and kePada orang yang tanya Norfa ni marah kat dia ke..No..i'm not angry wif u..n please..NOrfa tak larat nak jawab soalan kamu tu banyak kali..once I've said I'm not angry with u,meaning:I'M NOT!
takkan kaMU sampai nak buat Norfa marah gak kat kamu...Aissshhh...macam2 ragam la korang2 ni..bagi aku sakit jantung je camni...
PLease....tolong la faham..think positively before u judge anyone..not only me..but to anyone toO...kaLAu asYIk fikir neGAtive jer memang la nak baGi orang yang tak bersaLAh tu beNgang owKEy.....
Bukan Norfa tak hargai SMS2 yang korang hantar tapi as frens,korang kena lah faham...
Maybe NOrfa is not wif her Phone on that very time u SMS her,
Maybe NOrfa is not wif her Phone on that very time u SMS her,
or maybe she has sumthing to settle up,
or da most logic reason is : TAK ADA CREDIT! Norfa use phone coz she wanna to contact her family while shw was in IPBA..and now she is on her holiday,so wat r da purpose nak topUp phone slalu kan...LAin la kalaU she gOt bOYfie in MaLaysia..haha~dududu~
KengkAwan poN sLaLu onLIne kat FaCebOOk n YM...aiyoOoo!
cuKUp la kat fB n YM tu kaLAu taKde perkaRa penting yang nak d bincangkan owKey~
dear frens...Its not NOrfa tak appreciate yOur attention,but da words you used made me piss off and plis..jangan assume bukan2..bukan I tak reply your SMSss tu kan,cuma lambat sikit jer...hurm..lambat cikit say hi back to u all coz ade hal laen ok...
I'm soOoo much sorry coZ luah rasa geRaM tu kat sini n I hope yaNg berkeNaan tu faham...
Sekian saje post nORfa aRi ni..tak pasaL2 hAti ni maRah sedangkan I'm not kind of persOn yang pemarah...aishhhh...[sesalan untuk diri sendiri~]
haha...[gelak balik..tak maO marah2 lagi~]
weLL..korang mesti peraSan yang I guna banyak giLEr emOticon dalam entri nih...tetiba je gedik nak guna benda2 nih...nak guna gak??
Sekian...sekali lagi nOrfa minta maaf....Adios~
Salam ceria..salam 1 MaLaysia..
Hey kaMU!!seNyum la sikit!!
aha . . so funny oww ur entry ~
btw , relax . chill ~
pi lantak dowg uh . .
sestgh guys mmg cmtu , they juz want ur attention
tu je . hehehe ~
okies chill hah ~ huhuhu
dieyla:haha~tengs..baiKlah..akn ku chiLL kn diri ku..ngeh2~=)
haha....dah macam volcano dah madtoad mmg bengang tahap DEWA la ni...ok ok....hopefully ur post will relief u down (*sigh*)....communication is important, yes, mmg they deserve to kena marah, especially = " macam mana agaknya nak kembalikan kehangatan u ngan i?" (bro, tats scary la), but sometyme, there is always a way u can say nicely to them....friend like them , though annoy u a lot, styme, they colors ur life...dah2, jgn marah2 ok...stay chill mcm diela_23 ckp...baru lah sentiasa nampak manis....i noe, coz i'm a manusia too..hehe~ peace! have a nice day cik norfa! (S.M.I.L.E)~
yeahh chill ~
hehe~thanks madtoAd..i lap u lah..hihi~
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