Monday, February 20, 2012

Beautiful Quote.

Yeah,right. I still owe you about my story when I was in Cordova.
moga ada kelapangan nanti ya?
I found this beautiful quote:
“A woman’s heart should be so lost in the love of Allah that a man has to seek Him in order to find her. And when he finds her, Allah will put love and mercy between their hearts and that is a sign of Allah’s divinity, for those who truly belief"
Interesting quote don't you think?
Sometimes we strive so hard to get someone we forgot that while we can plan our life, Allah has plans for us too.
And indeed, Allah is the best planner :)

Dalam diam aku tertarik dengan sifatnya, ilmunya, akhlaknya, rendah dirinya dan caranya menyampaikan dakwah. Aku diam kerana aku tahu dia milik ALLAH , aku hanya perlu memohon kepada-Nya. ~

(Sesungguhnya jodoh itu milik Allah)