Assalamualaikum! Wow! It has been a while since my last time I posted something. Fuhhh. Berhabuknyaaaaaaaaaa belog ini!
I ges coz I got nothing good to share, nothing interesting in my life so far.
Terima kasihlah pada yang sudi membaca blog Nopa selama ni. I'm planning to be active in blogging again lah. Fuhhh2. Doa2 kan I rajin hokey. Dia punya mood nak menaip tu kan...dah taip,padam. Taip,padam. Rasa macam nak share, tapi tanak. Entah. But i think I need a place to burst everything yg kana kau bebas nak taip apa2 sebab tu kau punya hak and kau rasa takde orang kesah pun pasal blog seposen kau ni.
Sekarang piles of works waiting. Arghhh. I miss my student's life! I hate working! Yes. I hate the fact that I'm now working. Why? Will share later. I'll tell about my school, my colleagues, my new friends etc.
Till then, hugs n kisses! ♡
1 comment:
Do this hack to drop 2lb of fat in 8 hours
Well over 160,000 women and men are hacking their diet with a simple and SECRET "liquid hack" to burn 2lbs each and every night as they sleep.
It is very simple and works on everybody.
This is how you can do it yourself:
1) Take a clear glass and fill it up with water half glass
2) And now do this strange HACK
and be 2lbs skinnier when you wake up!
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