Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Recipe : Zebra Cheese Cake :)

How's your day peeps?
May Allah always be with us ya :)
lemme share another recipe today,
"Zebra cheesecake"
Me suka2 je bagi nama,as the original recipe too plain.
Me editted the recipe,so ini lah hasil experiment nya!




Ha..see..see...Now you know why Nopa bagi nama "Zebra cheesecake"
if you wanna try,
Take your pen,
write these down ya :

250 gm cream cheese
[Fyi, 250 gm approximately 1 cup yer :)]
200ml strawberry yogurt.
[Any flavour pun boley actually, I used strawberry cuz I love strawberry!:P]
3 tbs plain flour
[tbs:table spoon a.k.a sudu besar ye :)]
2 tbs lemon juice
[Me kinda lazy to squeeze a lemon for only 2 tbs of its juice,so,dalam peti ais ade juice oren,Nopa gune je jus tu..hihi]
2 eggs
1 tbs vanilla essence
90 gm caster sugar
3tbs cocoa powder

the steps:
1. Cuci tangan!Hygiene first!!
2. Turn on your oven about 170c,api atas bawah
3. Griskan loyang  dengan butter :)
4. Dengan lafaz bismillahirrahmannirrahim,mix all bahan2 di atas.
5. Pukul sebati sampai creamy.
6.Divide adunan jadi 2 part.
7. Mix one part of the batter with cocoa powder
[This is the 'zebra' layer!lol!:P]
8. How to make the cake looks like zebra?
Ok,put them selang seli.
4-5 sudu besar white part,then chocs part,then white part again,then chocs part again...ulanglah sampai habis ye!
8. Bakar selama 45 mins dalam suhu 170 celcius!
8. Ha,jangan nak memandai terus potong bila dah keluar dari oven tu.
Sejukkan dulu ok?Then masuk peti ais. Esok potong mesti santeeeeeeeeeeeeek je!Hihi!

Enak d makan bersama kawan2 serumah.
Dah buat,jangan makan sorang.

Till then,
selamat mencuba!

notakaki: cook by heart,don't forget the 'Basmallah' so the result??OoooSyem!^_^

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